I just noticed this really fantastic short video on learning at the The Atlantic.
- Anyone really can learn anything.
- You must be comfortable with not knowing, with not having answers, with being wrong.
- Knowing what the rules are and knowing how success is defined means there is no discovery.
- Be curious: ask questions, build the discipline of curiosity.
- Sleep encodes memories; practice before sleeping and sleep well.
- When you believe in yourself, your brain behaves differently; if you believe in yourself, when you make a mistake, your brain “spark and fires” because you know you are learning.
- Education today force feeds problems; we don’t teach how to ask questions.
- Any type of creative process usually begins with a good question, one that reframes a problem or challenges a process.
- Stories help us to understand the world and the people around us while at the same time enhancing our attention spans and developing our imaginations.